Programs and Services

Day Programs

Adult day training programs are offered at two sites in the Palatka community and are intended to support the participation of individuals in daily, meaningful and valued routines of the community.

Residential Services

The Arc of Putnam County is committed to offering the highest quality care in residential services. Group homes at Kennedy Street, River Street, Westover, John’s Place, and Silver Lake provide residential services and support to adults with a primary diagnosis of intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our supervised apartment complex at Tyrrell Oaks provides full residential support, uniquely delivered in individualized apartments.

Employment Services

People with disabilities need and want jobs, just like everyone else. And people with disabilities make excellent employees. Local area businesses such as Lowe’s, Pizza Hut, Wal-Mart, Publix, Putnam Community Hospital, Beck Automotive, Sonny’s BBQ, First Baptist Church, St. Johns River State College, St. Johns Water Management District, and The Palatka Daily News, have found these employees to be important assets to their corporate success.

Become a Monthly Giver

When you join the Power of Putnam, you can be confident that your gift will support the inclusion and protection of those with intellectual and developmental disorders here in Putnam County. The power is in your hands.