Employment Services
Arc Putnam Employment Services
People with disabilities need and want jobs, just like everyone else. And people with disabilities make excellent employees. Local area businesses such as Lowe’s, Pizza Hut, Wal-Mart, Publix, Putnam Community Hospital, Beck Automotive, Sonny’s BBQ, First Baptist Church, St. Johns River State College, St. Johns Water Management District, and The Palatka Daily News, to name a few, have found these employees to be important assets to their corporate success.
Individual Placement
The Community Based Employment Model is designed to help individuals seeking employment find a job in a community business that best suits their abilities and interests. Training in job skills, work-related behaviors and social skills is provided on the job site by a job coach. Services include pre-employment skills, on-the-job training, career exploration, job search, job orientation, job coaching and follow-along services.
Small Group Model
The Small Group Model provides supervised training to a group of three to five individuals who are trained and supervised among non-disabled employees at the company’s work site. Individuals in the small group model work as a team at a work site in a community business. Training, supervision, and support are provided by a trained on-site supervisor.
Achieve With Us
The Arc of Putnam County provides advocacy, individually tailored living environments, meaningful day activities, work training, employment services and support to residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities including autism, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and spina bifida.